summer at the shop

I don't think I've ever posted  a photo of my library door but it does get a lot of attention by all who stop in!
Meggie stopped by to try out our new "Woufs", dogie beds, from her buddies Dash and Albert with Fresh American.
Almost sold out of our first order of Lauren's pillows!
'It's so serene in your shop" , one customer said this morning!  Success!
I couldn't talk Meggie into staying so I had to find some stand ins;  "The Little Terrier" by Heather Hurley, Water Color , a local artist and a dear sweet friend; and of course Daisy from Dash and Albert's group!

july 4, 2014 in cayucos, california

This jewelry artist mixes vintage pieces with new pieces like I like to design my interiors.  Her name is Maria, a California girl like me!

Sea Weed, water color
Our flag hangs proudly at the entry hall!

Chairs were parked in there spaces for this beautiful patriotic crowd since Tuesday, July 1 that says that this town and all its welcome visitors take this holiday and this parade seriously.  This girl loves a parade! 
The best and most beautiful float!